Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Blog Ever, Worst Week Ever

I have absolutely no idea why I have started this blog. No idea whatsoever. I do know, however, that it's nice to be able to express every ounce of stress and frustration to a world that may never be known to me, but a world that I know may understand. I took the train this morning to my Wall Street Stockbroker job (I'm not a big shot) and wondered about all the things that I have which others dont. Streams of thoughts like clouds floating entered my mind and I began to realize how truly selfish I can be sometimes. I live in an apartment with my parents and girlfriend and I find it rightful to complain about the lack of space, feelings of adjustment, and every other thing I can knit pick at, but I am wrong. In New York City, there are too many times I pass by those much less fortunate than I. People who have ruined lives and a slight chance for return back to any social norm that may exist. I find it very sad that I can still find reason to complain at all. This feels as if it's been the worst week of my life. I had a change of jobs, a living relocation, and many sleepless nights wondering how to fix the mess I've put myself in. How do you deal with life on life's terms, knowing that running away from the problem is not an option? How do you wake up and smile like some people do? Surely, there are those who have mastered this and I would love to be one of them. For anyone that may find themselves reading these words, for anyone from that world so unknown to me... wherever you are, whoever you may be... it can always get worse. The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grab. So off to my weekend to find some magic, hoping you all do the same. From my spontaneous life, mind, and wits, have a wonderful weekend. - Dennis Glazzy

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